Saturday, November 25, 2017

News (Nov 25 2017)

I have to put aside my historical fiction to work on something new. Been studying for over five years now trying to sculpt that project and it is still nowhere near ready. Now I'm exhausted. Started writing a science fiction thriller and it is a breath of fresh air to be working on something that doesn't have so many rules to abide by. I have so much yet to learn in this art. Reading every day, and learning new techniques. Now I am trying to apply what I have learned. Science fiction was my original love. However much I so enjoy history, any dramatic telling can get tangled up in the details of what was happening then very quickly if one tries to pursue it too carelessly. So I am taking my time with that. Might even salvage elements from the projects I was working on in the past, and work them into other pieces to come. Nothing is a waste of time; everything we do in the pursuit of our goals is worth it. Every now and then one must plant new seeds and watch it grow from all of the rich ingredients one has collected over the years. That is what I am doing now. Time builds strength. Nothing is a waste of time. Keep studying, keep writing, lay down the story, shine it up later, and worry about the business of it all when the time comes to burn stress on that. For the moment, just have fun. If you lose the joy, you lose the heart, and your story will begin to fall apart quite quickly.

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