Friday, January 30, 2015

News on Goddess

Learning so much as I gain progress through my Historic Fiction: So much in fact, I am really dreading the second draft, as I will have to alter many entries and facts that I only knew very little about when I first went into this project. It was expected however, and I already have an alternative path prepared for my characters that which runs in parallel with the original outline. Working with such a vast world has proven quite the task when combining fantasy with reality. Especially when you are juggling so much information around—both fact and fiction—trying to hit all of the vital bullet-points of history, while at the same time trying to successfully tell a compelling story about characters that never existed. The Witchcraze period at its worst was a time of reform, war, and economical struggle, and there were a lot of factors that played into these developments, which must be explained. Not to mention that most of what we know about ancient cultures as such comes to us from surviving texts that were written by the winners: i.e- The Christian scholars who cataloged these activities before proselytizing them all. So too is it that most of what modern-day NeoPagans practice is naught but a combination of surviving traditions, originating from many different cultures that span all across the globe. We owe most of that knowledge to the Wiccan movement, which was first brought into public light by the venerable Gerald Gardner in the early 50's, who was too himself a radical idealist, but an honorable soul nevertheless, for being so brave to take his views and beliefs as far as he had during a still dangerous time to do so. Therefore, targeting the specifics in this topic has been quite the challenge for me, especially since this is my first literature venture in years, as so it is the very first historic fiction I have ever written in my life. One day I may write a full bio on this piece, detailing the trials and tribulations I was forced to undergo in the process, because It really is quite an epic adventure recreating this world. But until then, I need to just get it done and over with, and move on to the next great-pain-in-the-ass assignment. God, I love this stuff.

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