Easter Sunday, 2018
I was slow to get up off my ass that morning. The night before I decided to stop by at my moms and just be lazy. I started my business, ordered all the tools I needed, they were on their way. Bought show insurance, had the truck, had the supplies, and my first official show on my own was only a week away. Life was good and promising, though, I hardly knew what I was doing or how things would ultimately pan out. Still, through Hell Fire and on I go. But for the moment, it was time to be lazy. Haven’t been home in months. Was just 40 min away from home for a few weeks but I felt like lounging out at my moms house. After a time scanning my Facebook wall for something interesting to laugh at besides Easter, and jesus memes, I finally decided to head home. First I accidentally bumped into the basketball net that was lost in my blind spot and I ripped out my turn signal light. That sucked, but Gorilla Tape and Me is the name of my Life Time movie. So I fixed it the best way a scrub possibly could. Then I was on my way. I was feeling good so I decided to swing by my landlord’s place and drop off my rent. But upon making my grandpa-slow move to park... SURPRISE! Here comes speed racer fresh out on a bright sunshine ride to throw his crochet rocket into my axel. He lost control, doing what best I could tell was a speed not recommended for a residential back country road. He jumped off and went tumbling. He was fine, thank god, and refused an ambulance. But I broke his toy, and it in turn broke my work horse. I was back to ground zero.
I scrambled. Had to find a new car fast, but now I was broke having put all in on my new business. Funny how I was out of funds trying to get funds, and now I was out of a truck to get me to the place where I needed to make my money. I got lucky and found a place to get me a loan on this old crummy cargo van. Fast forward to a full year later, I have a very successful caricature art company, a paid off van, and a brand new truck. And all my debt that has plagued me for years is flattened. I am very grateful for my strange luck and fortune. But the road has only just begun. Soon I’ll be publishing some writing here on my blog, perhaps even get some legitimate novels done, and I’ll be expanding my business within the next few weeks. Busy times, and great sacrifice, but it’s all worth it.
Wish it all could have come a different way, but accidents happen, and some times the worst accidents are the beginning workins of something good for you. Maybe that guy won’t go flying down a back road like Tom Cruise in a mission impossible movie anymore. And I will certainly take even longer than I had before to park my truck and switch lanes.