Tuesday, January 30, 2018
New Character Draw
My first sketch of the main character to my new Science Fiction, Fantasy, Action thriller story. 

Monday, January 29, 2018
News (Jan 29 2018)
Today I spent some time working on an untitled science fiction/fantasy project. Put in about 1000 words covering a suspencful sequence that I am quite proud of. With my busy schedule traveling and drawing, it’s hard to squeeze in the time for my writing, so I’m very thankful I stole a moment to sacrifice on my new story. Wasted five years on a previous project that just slumped into a boggy, dark forest of complexity, and I’m trying very hard not to make the same mistakes this time through. As I said before, I have gone back to my original love which is science fiction/fantasy, and for the moment I’m just having fun. If anything will come of it in the end only time will tell. I am currently at a word count of 21000 and I’m only maybe a third of the way through my core idea, so I’m going to have to take care not to over do it as I continue into this world. All of this is a learning process, and I am a slow learner. My end goal is to create the foundation for an episodic like story where we can explore as much of as we want in the future, but first I’ve got to lay down the floor plans for a sellable base. It’s harder than it may seem when we get lost in our romantic perceptions about what crafting an original story means. The basics always turn out to be your best course in action to begin with. Pave a pretty path with guide posts here and there to set a reader on a familiar path so not to lose them, but then, after they are at last committed to the adventure unleash the dangerous, exciting, and new wild twists, making it all the more fun. That’s what I’m doing. The beginning of the adventure is always the hardest part. I will share more as I can. Hope you all love what I am building so far.
Saturday, January 13, 2018
News (Jan 13 2018
Back in Florida again. Had one day in the sun before the cold found where I was hiding. Now it’s been slated skies, and fuck-your-comfort kind of weather since. So my 2018 has become a positive set of goals thus far. Been working out every day, even in this 9th circle of hell winter blast sent by someone dead that hates me climate endeavor. Also focused on writing a book; praying I can get something finished before the end of the year, but that is a up-hill battle through a jersey rush hour traffic kinda venture... in short: writing is hard as fuck. Out here drawing caricatures with icescicles hanging like polar bear Jack, but I’m enjoying life. Going to be sharing some new art soon and hopefully some more writing shorts, and essays. Take care, y’all
Thursday, January 4, 2018
Creating new characters
2018 has come. Time to develop some new characters. This one is called “D.”
Read my short, Bassy’s Basilica, to learn more about her.
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It’s been a full year now, since the journey began, still I’ve only just found my path. Easter Sunday, 2018 I was slow to get up off my ass...
Visit my new website at www.morbidtoybox.com to read the continuation to my original #sciencefiction #horror #bassysbasilica